Currently in pre-production, "Jill and the Super-Rad Beanstalk™" is an experimental animated musical short film that offers a contemporary twist on traditional fairytales. Set against a vibrant backdrop of artistry and imagination, this original narrative delves deep into the illusions of reality, the transformative power of creativity, and the audacity to challenge established norms. With a satirical nod to classic Disney storytelling, our heroine, Jill, charts a unique journey, departing from the expected path of familiar princesses.

The story is underscored by a rich tapestry of melodies, the result of collaborative efforts with talented artists and sound engineers based in Orlando, FL. As a modern-day parable, "Jill and the Super-Rad Beanstalk" stands as a testament to the evolving world of animated storytelling, drawing in audiences with its wit, charm, and thought-provoking messages.


In the vibrant metropolis of Beanstalk City, a colossal beanstalk towers over the landscape, untouched since the legendary Major Jack's ascent two decades earlier. Despite numerous attempts, no one has replicated his incredible feat, and Jack remains a revered icon. The intervention of three Fairy Godsisters prevented Jack from permanently chopping down the beanstalk. It now stands as a beacon of hope.

A long line of courageous manly men have attempted the perilous climb, only to fall to their untimely demise. However, Jill, Jack's tenacious daughter, embarks on the daring ascent, seeking adventure atop the enigmatic beanstalk. As she delves into uncharted territory, the lines between reality and fantasy become increasingly blurred.

To unravel the hidden secrets and return as a hero, Jill must rely on her unyielding curiosity and sharp intellect. Will she confront the lurking dangers above and triumph? Join Jill on her epic journey of discovery and peril!